A unique 2-day workshop for a team of key administrators
August 26-27 at Horace Mann School, Riverdale NY
- Conducted by Steve Bergen, SummerAdminCore is an intensive 2-day leadership workshop for the key administrators responsible for moving your school forward with technology.
- Each school will send a team of two, consisting of the Head or Assistant Head of School, the Technology Director and/or Director of Academic Technology, the Director of Library Services, or other key administrators.
The Content & The Goal
- The group will address the key issues and strategies needed to successfully implement and advance technology in schools
- Sharing our pooled knowledge and guided by Steve Bergen's 35 years of expertise, we will create solutions and strategies for your school.
- The final product will be the outline of a specific plan to create a significant technology evolution at your school
- Our focus is unique, examining the standard approaches with the questioning vision of Mythbusters, the standards set by Jim Collins in Good to Great, the guidelines created by Steven Sample's Contrarian Guide to Leadership, and the insights of Freakonomics.
- We will discuss 1:1 iPad and/or laptop implementation, professional development strategies, creating faculty buy-in, administrative concerns, involving your parent body, outsourcing vs. in-house, digital ethics and safety concerns, and budgeting for the future; we will also discuss issues pertinent to your school.
The Format: 16 Hours of Intensive Brainstorming
- Day 1: We meet as a group 10:00-6:00 with working meals
- Day 2: We meet as a group 8:00-4:00 with working meals
The Cost & The Sign Up Procedures
- $2500 per school
- Each participating team will be asked to respond to a survey about their school and arrange a phone consult prior to attending
- See "Where to Stay" for hotel options.
- For more information, contact Steve Bergen: 781-953-9699 or [email protected]
- Schedule SummerAdminCore at your school and receive a 20% discount: contact Steve Bergen.
"I thought SummerAdminCore was really, really good. You created some excellent synergy amongst the participating schools and the experience had a great feel. I really liked how you had participants submit three issues/ideas/questions ahead of time. I think I'm going to steal that one for future PD sessions! Your skype folks were excellent and you have a wonderful way of cutting them off and keeping things moving.
---Matt Montagne, Director of Technology, Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory School, San Francisco, CA (SummerAdminCore 2011)
"I enjoyed the 21 hours. You work hard to keep us moving and I thought the time was well planned. I appreciated my time with Matt. I know that we would not have found that time together if we didn't attend the conference."
---John Scudder, Head of School, Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory School, San Francisco, CA (SummerAdminCore 2011)
"SummerAdminCore helped us re-ignite our technology planning and it was a great experience mixing admins and tech directors!"
---Daniel McDonough, Associate Headmaster, Portsmouth Abbey School, Portsmouth, RI (SummerAdminCore 2011)
"SummerAdminCore really helped clarify my own thinking as a teacher and even more so my thinking as an administrator. I'm actually very excited to help spearhead a small cadre of pioneers and see if we can't create some critical mass. Overall, I'm excited to work with my teachers in seeing technology as a means and not an end. Ultimately, for our school, getting on the right side of the technology wave can help us preserve what we think really matters about the content of our curriculum. Disabusing folks of their worst fears about the technology wave will actually help us better deliver on the substantive portion of our programs and make our skill development more sophisticated."
---Kale Zelden, Academic Dean, Portsmouth Abbey School, Portsmouth, RI (SummerAdminCore 2011)
"I thought SummerAdminCore was energizing and educational--I thought that the time with you was truly time well spent and I enjoyed hearing perspectives from the other school people too."
---Nora Malone, Head of School, Village School, Pacific Palisades, CA (SummerAdminCore 2011)
"Having a head of school and a technology director come as a team to SummerAdminCore was important incorporating the vision (both technology related and school-wide) and the administrative authority to make decisions/inspire change within our school."
---Jayme Johnson, Director of Academic Technology, Village School, Pacific Palisades, CA (SummerAdminCore 2011) or read more from Jayme.
---Matt Montagne, Director of Technology, Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory School, San Francisco, CA (SummerAdminCore 2011)
"I enjoyed the 21 hours. You work hard to keep us moving and I thought the time was well planned. I appreciated my time with Matt. I know that we would not have found that time together if we didn't attend the conference."
---John Scudder, Head of School, Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory School, San Francisco, CA (SummerAdminCore 2011)
"SummerAdminCore helped us re-ignite our technology planning and it was a great experience mixing admins and tech directors!"
---Daniel McDonough, Associate Headmaster, Portsmouth Abbey School, Portsmouth, RI (SummerAdminCore 2011)
"SummerAdminCore really helped clarify my own thinking as a teacher and even more so my thinking as an administrator. I'm actually very excited to help spearhead a small cadre of pioneers and see if we can't create some critical mass. Overall, I'm excited to work with my teachers in seeing technology as a means and not an end. Ultimately, for our school, getting on the right side of the technology wave can help us preserve what we think really matters about the content of our curriculum. Disabusing folks of their worst fears about the technology wave will actually help us better deliver on the substantive portion of our programs and make our skill development more sophisticated."
---Kale Zelden, Academic Dean, Portsmouth Abbey School, Portsmouth, RI (SummerAdminCore 2011)
"I thought SummerAdminCore was energizing and educational--I thought that the time with you was truly time well spent and I enjoyed hearing perspectives from the other school people too."
---Nora Malone, Head of School, Village School, Pacific Palisades, CA (SummerAdminCore 2011)
"Having a head of school and a technology director come as a team to SummerAdminCore was important incorporating the vision (both technology related and school-wide) and the administrative authority to make decisions/inspire change within our school."
---Jayme Johnson, Director of Academic Technology, Village School, Pacific Palisades, CA (SummerAdminCore 2011) or read more from Jayme.
A Blend of Mythbusters, Jim Collins, Freakonomics and Steven Sample
Technology is here in our world for better and for worse. In 1984, I gave a speech about educational software vs soft education and in the 25 plus years since, we have seen those fears come true. We have many accepted notions regarding technology in our schools that need to be challenged and changed. No one does that better than the TV series Mythbusters and the authors of Freakonomics. In order to move our schools forward, we need to challenge many assumptions that have become accepted in the last 25 plus years and take a contrarian view of everything from internet safety to using cell phones in schools. And so there will be lots of disagreement and shouting -- "eyeballs to eyeballs" as Jim Collins says -- during our time together. There will be many "contrarian points of view" put on the table and will challenge many educational assumptions. We are seeking "intelligent not consensus" decisions to once again quote Collins.