33 Summercore Questions for $33
(page 140 in Primer)
Watch a short four minute video on files sizes and the vocabulary words of byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte.
1. One byte = _________________ and equals __ bits. (watch on YouTube Q01)
2. One K= _____________________ and is metaphorically the same as ___________________. (watch on YouTube Q02)
3. One meg = __________________ and is metaphorically the same as ____________________. (watch on YouTube Q03)
4. One gigabyte = __________________ and is metaphorically the same as _________. (watch on YouTube Q04)
5. One terabyte = ___________________ and is metaphorically the same as _________. (watch on YouTube Q05) - click here for extra credit on "visualizing a zettabyte."
6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is often referred to as micro-blogging where users can write "tweets" no larger than _ _ _characters or bytes. (watch on YouTube Q06)
7. A typical memory stick might hold _____ megabytes which is the same as _____ gigabytes. (watch on YouTube Q07)
8. The word blog first used in 1999 is short for _ _ _ _ _ _. (watch on YouTube Q08)
9. A CD ROM holds about _ _ _ meg which is the same as _ _ _ , _ _ _ K or _ _ _ floppy disks (watch on YouTube Q09) - click here for a cardboard cutout of 6'9" Larry Bird and 650 floppies
10. A DVD disk holds between __ and __ gigabytes. (watch on YouTube Q10)
11. RAM stands for R _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _ M _ _ _ _ _ and refers to _____________________. (watch on YouTube Q11)
12. ROM stands for R _ _ _ O _ _ _ M _ _ _ _ _ and refers to _____________________. (watch on YouTube Q12)
13. Larry Bird's initials (LB) in ASCII code are _ _ and _ _. (watch on YouTube Q13)
14. Memory Sticks and many other devices tend to use the _ _ _ port which stands for the 3 words __________ ___________ _ _ _. (watch on YouTube Q14)
15. YouTube began in _ _ _ _ and every minute, hours of video is uploaded to YouTube ... click (watch on YouTube Q15)
16. A viral video can be defined as _______________________________________________. (watch on YouTube Q16)
17. Three ways to make a graphic file smaller are _________, ____________ and ___________. (watch on YouTube Q17)
18. How many bytes _ and bits _ _ in the team that lost 4 games in a row to the Sox in Oct 2004? (watch on YouTube Q18)
19. An MP3 file is a c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m _ _ _ _ file and typically might be __ megabytes. (watch on YouTube Q19)
20. A _ _ _ _ is used to create a collaborative website that allows users to easily add or edit content (hint: "quick" in Hawaiian). (watch on YouTube Q20)
21. In order to keep track of new content on blogs and websites, you should use an aggregator such as ___________________________ that grabs _ _ _ feeds. (watch on YouTube Q21)
22. The Rule of 3 refers to the following 3 reminders when saving: ____________________ and _____________________________ and ________________________________________. (watch on YouTube Q22)
23. The fourth tip when saving (hint: it involves file formats) is that _____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________. (watch on YouTube Q23)
24. The point size of _ _ equals 1 inch. (watch on YouTube Q24)
25. Use __ space(s) between sentences. (watch on YouTube Q25)
26. Pushing the ______ button repeatedly is a sign that you have not reached computer maturity. (watch on YouTube Q26)
27. List 5 suffixes or extensions for files (Mac or PC) and explain what each one refers to. (watch on YouTube Q27)
28. Audio files that Web users subscribe to are called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (watch on YouTube Q28)
29. HTML stands for H _ _ _ _ T _ _ _ M _ _ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (watch on YouTube Q29)
30. A computer virus can be defined as _________________________________________. (watch on YouTube Q30)
31. Software that you are allowed to put onto multiple computers is called _____________. (watch on YouTube Q31)
32. Many schools have abandoned Microsoft Office moving to _______________ a collaborative Web 2.0 based word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation environment which allows users to create and edit documents online simultaneously. (watch on YouTube Q32)
33. Larry Bird's uniform number in binary is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (watch on YouTube Q33)
2. One K= _____________________ and is metaphorically the same as ___________________. (watch on YouTube Q02)
3. One meg = __________________ and is metaphorically the same as ____________________. (watch on YouTube Q03)
4. One gigabyte = __________________ and is metaphorically the same as _________. (watch on YouTube Q04)
5. One terabyte = ___________________ and is metaphorically the same as _________. (watch on YouTube Q05) - click here for extra credit on "visualizing a zettabyte."
6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is often referred to as micro-blogging where users can write "tweets" no larger than _ _ _characters or bytes. (watch on YouTube Q06)
7. A typical memory stick might hold _____ megabytes which is the same as _____ gigabytes. (watch on YouTube Q07)
8. The word blog first used in 1999 is short for _ _ _ _ _ _. (watch on YouTube Q08)
9. A CD ROM holds about _ _ _ meg which is the same as _ _ _ , _ _ _ K or _ _ _ floppy disks (watch on YouTube Q09) - click here for a cardboard cutout of 6'9" Larry Bird and 650 floppies
10. A DVD disk holds between __ and __ gigabytes. (watch on YouTube Q10)
11. RAM stands for R _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _ M _ _ _ _ _ and refers to _____________________. (watch on YouTube Q11)
12. ROM stands for R _ _ _ O _ _ _ M _ _ _ _ _ and refers to _____________________. (watch on YouTube Q12)
13. Larry Bird's initials (LB) in ASCII code are _ _ and _ _. (watch on YouTube Q13)
14. Memory Sticks and many other devices tend to use the _ _ _ port which stands for the 3 words __________ ___________ _ _ _. (watch on YouTube Q14)
15. YouTube began in _ _ _ _ and every minute, hours of video is uploaded to YouTube ... click (watch on YouTube Q15)
16. A viral video can be defined as _______________________________________________. (watch on YouTube Q16)
17. Three ways to make a graphic file smaller are _________, ____________ and ___________. (watch on YouTube Q17)
18. How many bytes _ and bits _ _ in the team that lost 4 games in a row to the Sox in Oct 2004? (watch on YouTube Q18)
19. An MP3 file is a c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m _ _ _ _ file and typically might be __ megabytes. (watch on YouTube Q19)
20. A _ _ _ _ is used to create a collaborative website that allows users to easily add or edit content (hint: "quick" in Hawaiian). (watch on YouTube Q20)
21. In order to keep track of new content on blogs and websites, you should use an aggregator such as ___________________________ that grabs _ _ _ feeds. (watch on YouTube Q21)
22. The Rule of 3 refers to the following 3 reminders when saving: ____________________ and _____________________________ and ________________________________________. (watch on YouTube Q22)
23. The fourth tip when saving (hint: it involves file formats) is that _____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________. (watch on YouTube Q23)
24. The point size of _ _ equals 1 inch. (watch on YouTube Q24)
25. Use __ space(s) between sentences. (watch on YouTube Q25)
26. Pushing the ______ button repeatedly is a sign that you have not reached computer maturity. (watch on YouTube Q26)
27. List 5 suffixes or extensions for files (Mac or PC) and explain what each one refers to. (watch on YouTube Q27)
28. Audio files that Web users subscribe to are called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (watch on YouTube Q28)
29. HTML stands for H _ _ _ _ T _ _ _ M _ _ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (watch on YouTube Q29)
30. A computer virus can be defined as _________________________________________. (watch on YouTube Q30)
31. Software that you are allowed to put onto multiple computers is called _____________. (watch on YouTube Q31)
32. Many schools have abandoned Microsoft Office moving to _______________ a collaborative Web 2.0 based word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation environment which allows users to create and edit documents online simultaneously. (watch on YouTube Q32)
33. Larry Bird's uniform number in binary is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (watch on YouTube Q33)